In this lesson, we focus on implementing the DELETE operation, completing the CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) functionalities for our Cash Card API. We start by defining the API specification for the DELETE endpoint:

For successful deletions, we return a 204 NO CONTENT status code. However, there are additional cases where we return 404 NOT FOUND:

Returning 404 NOT FOUND in both cases prevents unauthorized users from discerning whether a particular ID exists, enhancing security by not "leaking" information.

Additional Options:

  1. Hard and Soft Delete:
  2. Audit Trail and Archiving:

Our API decision is to implement a simple DELETE operation returning 204 NO CONTENT, which suggests a hard delete approach. This means we are not implementing soft delete or including audit fields in the response body.

Learning Points:

  1. Completing CRUD Operations with DELETE:
  2. API Specification Clarity:
  3. Security Through Uniform Responses:
  4. Understanding Hard vs. Soft Delete:
  5. Importance of Audit Trails:
  6. Response Status Codes Matter:
  7. API Design Decisions Impact Implementation: